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Preschool Program

EARS Offers a Full Time Preschool Program

The EARS Preschool Program offers children from 3-5 years of age

  • 5 Full-day Center-based Program
  • 1:1 AVT Session(s)
  • Weekly Center-based Integration with Hearing Peers
  • Weekly Mainstreaming Opportunities
  • Monthly Community Field Trips
  • Monthly Family Playgroup and Music Together class, along with a Lunch & Learn Caregiver Educational Session

"Our students work through a preschool curriculum aligned with their hearing peers and NYS standards, while refining their listening and spoken language skills within seasonal classroom themes."

Kristen M. Cotter, Classroom Teacher, EARS Coordinator

Classroom Teacher Kristen Cotter work with Jaxson, Evan, and Dana on their ABCs.

Classroom Teacher Kristen Cotter works with Jaxson, Evan, and Dana on their ABCs.

Click to see EARS Preschool teacher, Kristen Cotter, use Auditory-Verbal Therapy techniques in the classroom