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Residential Program Information

Residential Program Information

Our office is responsible for a variety of school programs and functions. In order to best serve you, we have listed these student-related functions, along with the names, and phone numbers of those you can contact for assistance.

Residential Services
We have a 5-day residential program in which we typically serve approximately one-third of our entire student population. Students live at school Monday through Thursday evening and are provided a home-like environment. Special care and individual attention is provided for each student by our support staff to help meet all their academic, behavior, and social needs. For more information, call supervisors Steve Bauman or Misha Johnson-Ellis (x. 108)

Tutorial services
Our after-school staff works closely with our teachers and academic staff to provide a time and place where your child can receive additional academic support. For more information, please call Steve Bauman or Misha Johnson-Ellis (x. 108)

Student community service
Prior to graduating from our program, we will identify and facilitate a number of community service opportunities for your child to further enhance their life experiences. Whether visiting folks in a nursing home, feeding the poor, or helping to clean up the community in which we live, our students learn how to help those less fortunate than themselves. For more information, please call Steve Bauman or Misha Johnson-Ellis (x. 108)