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What Are Auditory-Verbal Therapy (AVT) Services?

What Are Auditory-Verbal Therapy (AVT) Services?

As part of your child’s educational program, auditory verbal therapy (AVT) services are provided to optimize use of hearing with amplification. Auditory verbal therapy is provided one-on-one with the parent/caregiver, child, and trained therapist. The goal of AVT is to develop speech and communication skills needed for integration into the hearing community. Trained therapists guide and coach parents/caregivers to become primary facilitators of their child’s listening and spoken language development. Parents/caregivers are encouraged to integrate listening and spoken language in every aspect of their daily routine through natural communication strategies.


"There is no greater power than that of an informed parent advocating for thier child."

Jesica M. Holst, Speech-Language Pathologist

Dakota and her mom learn AVT techniques during their family session.

Dakota and her mom learn AVT techniques during their family session.