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Food Service

Food Service

View Breakfast and Lunch Menus

At St. Mary’s School for the Deaf, school meals are made to be nutritious.  Research shows students who participate in school meal programs consume more whole grains, milk, fruits, and vegetables during meal times and have a better overall diet quality, than non-participants.  Eating breakfast at school is associated with better attendance rates, fewer missed school days, and better test scores.  Meals served through these programs must include the updated school meal standards. Credits

As of September 2012, The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced updated School Meal Standards, their first update in over 15 years.

The intention of these new standards is to fight the nation's childhood obesity problem (nearly one in three American children is overweight or obese).

The new USDA School Meal Standards include:

  • Doubling the amount of fruits and vegetables available with each meal
  • Only fat-free or low-fat milk will be available
  • Food will contain less salt, saturated fats, and trans fats
  • Serving sizes will be more "student-appropriate"


Community Eligibility Provision

St. Mary’s School for the Deaf will continue to operate under the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) for the 2024-2025 academic year.  This means ALL students enrolled at SMSD are entitled to a breakfast and lunch each instructional day at no charge regardless of family income level, but extra portions and "a la carte" items are individually priced. There is no application to complete to participate in the program, but we do request that families fill out the Household Income Form below.  To assist the school in collecting essential information to maintain our eligibility Email Carolyn Cross at if you have questions. 

Household Income Form

Still Hungry?

A students first breakfast and first lunch are free. If any student would like to purchase additional items after receiving their free meal, the prices for breakfast and lunch are listed below.  Student a la carte items are not taxed.

Item Price
Breakfast/Lunch Entree $2.25
Salad $3.50
Side (vegetable.fruit.grain) $1.00
Milk $0.75
Juice $0.50
Ice Cream $1.25
8 oz. Water Bottle $0.65
16 oz. Water Bottle $1.00
Envy Juice $1.25
Sparkling ICE $1.75
Rice Krispy Treat $1.25
Chips $0.75
Cookies $0.75



All students are entitled to receive one breakfast and one lunch, free of cost.  Any additional items may be purchased.  SMSD accepts cash or check at the register inside the lunchroom to be loaded to staff & student accounts.

Summer School Food Service

There is no change to our food service program during Summer School.  All above information applies.



A few notes things to note:

  • Students can not charge a la carte items. Purchases must be either paid in full or paid using their account balance. Our registers no longer allow any account to go into the negatives.
  • To qualify and receive free breakfast or lunch, students MUST take either one vegetable or one fruit/fruit juice per meal (one at breakfast and one at lunch)
  • If there is student who regularly arrives to school late / after breakfast has ended (breakfast runs 7:45 am-8:45 am), and they still want to take advantage of the free breakfast, their teacher can fill out a breakfast request form and get an order of breakfast items for this student to eat in their classroom throughout the week. These items just need to be picked up in the cafeteria by the teacher or teacher aide of that student. 

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