SMSD – Secondary School
School Hours
8:25 AM – 3:00 PM
Attendance Procedure
Please call the school to leave a voice message with the High School Secretary. 716-834-7200, x.144. If the High School Secretary is unavailable, please leave a message with the Switchboard Office Receptionist.
Parent Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedures
The Secondary Program at St. Mary's offers a wide range of programs and courses. Student schedules are tailored to their individual skills and interests as much as possible. Program and curriculum offerings include:
Depending on individual needs and goals, students at St. Mary's have access to New York State Regents classes and exams that lead to an NYS Regents Diploma or Local Diploma, New York State Alternate Assessments (NYSAA) that lead to a Skills Achievement Commencement Credential (SACC), as well as courses that fulfill requirements for the Career Development & Occupational Studies (CDOS) commencement credential. Some of our students who take the NYSAA are enrolled in our Special Needs Achievement Program (SNAP), which focuses on everyday language use, consumer skills, and independent living skills. All students who graduate from St. Mary's are prepared to follow their individual pathways, whether it be attending college, entering the workforce, or moving into assisted or independent living homes. This diverse population makes St. Mary's the warm, rich, welcoming, and inclusive community that it is.