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We are Child First. We believe that all children can learn. We believe that all St. Mary's School for the Deaf students have a right to learn utilizing every accessible communication avenue. We believe that all St. Mary's School for the Deaf students have a right to a safe, healthy, and positive environment at the school.


Latest News

P.E. Student of the Month – November 2024

A young boy smiles for the camera, wearing a grey shirt with the words 'St. Mary's School for the Deaf Athletics'.











Jorge Soto Velasquez

Jorge Soto Velasquez has been selected as Student of the Month for November in Physical Education. Jorge is a hard worker and loves to compete! He gives great effort and tries his best. Jorge is nice to his friends and respectful to the staff. He is willing to help whenever needed. Jorge loves being active and never gives up!!! Congratulations!”



Our Mission

St. Mary's School for the Deaf is committed to providing equitable access to exemplary educational programs that prepare Deaf Students to be self-directed, lifelong learners, who are productive members of society.



To Accomplish this Mission

We inspire ALL to achieve personal goals and strive for excellence. We offer a rigorous and relevant curriculum that addresses the diverse learning styles of all our students. We instruct our students in basic and critical thinking skills. We promise to collaborate as a community and with the community at large. We expect all members of the SMSD community to act with integrity.

male student with backpack

Inspire Future Generations

“I am a Senior at SMSD.  I have better access to communication here.  I can play sports here.  At a hearing school, I may not be able to play because of communication issues. I have peers I can sign with, access to activities like drama, building trades, journalism, and work experience opportunities.  If I was at a public school, the lack of communication would prevent me from being able to do any of these things.” 

Saul, High School Student

“St. Mary’s School for the Deaf has been a large part of our lives.  It is an incredible institution that provides everything needed to be successful.  Our daughter Julia attended SMSD from Pre-K to Graduation.  SMSD opened doors and provided opportunities that she would not get in mainstream environment.  The dedicated staff are amazing and work very hard to obtain the best from each student.  Julia graduated as Valedictorian and is in the honors program as a sophomore at Gallaudet University in Washington, D.C. SMSD is more than a school, it is a family.  A family we are very proud to be a part of.”

Lauren, Parent of SMSD Alumni

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