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Pupil Personnel Staff

Pupil Personnel Staff

Maddie Evans - PPS Secretary

Phone:     716-834-7200 x.148
​​​​​​​email Maddie

Laura Armenia – Occupational Therapist

Office Phone      716-834-7200 x.198
​​​​​​​email Laura

Lisa Book –  Physical Therapist

Office Phone      716-834-7200 x.105
​​​​​​​email Lisa

Marcella Creolkpo –  Nurse

Phone:   716-834-7200 x.129
Text:       716-923-5825
​​​​​​​email Marcella

Bethany Dessoye –  Psychologist

Office Phone    716-834-7200 x.184
Text                  716-364-2180
​​​​​​​email Bethany

Catherine Dixon – Nurse

Office Phone      716-834-7200. x129
Text:                    716-923-5825
​​​​​​​email Catherine

Lindsay Frajdofer –  Occupational Therapist

Office Phone      716-834-7200 x.106
email Lindsay

Teresa Gangarossa –  Nurse

Office             716-834-7200 x.129
Text:               716-923-5825
​​​​​​​email Teresa

Josh Hayes –  Social Worker

Office              716-834-7200 x.143
Vidoe Phone   716-335-9601
Text                 716-923-5952
​​​​​​​email Josh

Lynne Kerr –  Nurse

Office Phone    716-834-7200 x.129
Text:                 716-923-5825
​​​​​​​email Lynne

Melissa Lackey –  Social Worker

Video Phone      716-335-9611
Text                   716-880-9417
email Melissa

Cathy Riso –  Physical Therapist

Phone   716-834-7200 x.105 
email Cathy

Emily Klapper –  Technology Integration Specialist

Office Phone    716-834-7200 x.197
​​​​​​​email Emily

Richard Szafranek – Pupil Personnel Services Director

Office Phone      716-834-7200 x.169
Text:                   716-880-9426
​​​​​​​email Richard

PPS - Pupil Personnel Services 

The PPS Department is the link between St. Mary's School for the Deaf, our Families, their Local Education Agency School District and the State Education Department. The director of the department will provide tours to anyone interested in learning more about St. Mary's School for the Deaf. 

Positions that fall under the PPS Department are... 

  • Counseling 
  • Educational Testing 
  • Nursing 
  • Occupational Therapy 
  • Physical Therapy 
  • Psychology
  • Social Work 

In addition to the above, PPS at SMSD is responsible for...

  • Tours
  • Intakes 
  • CSE/CPSE Meetings (Committee on Special Education or Committee on Preschool Special Education)
  • Communication with Local Education Agency School Districts 
  • Communication with the New York State Education Department